Sunday, August 7, 2011

Now with 100% more magic!!!

I know it is hard to believe but here is another update!! This was a quick task since there was only two models to paint. I decided it was time to add a little bit of magical punch to the army so I added these two sorcerers, one with the mark of Tzeentch and one with the mark of Slaanesh. At a later date I plan to also add a sorcerer with the mark of Nurgle as well.

For my two magic users I used the two faced Tzeentch sorcerer that I acquired from a friend as part of a trade. Since, in my opinion, there are no suitable models in the Warriors of Chaos line for a sorcerer of Slaanesh I decided to "borrow" one from the Dark Elves line since they also have what is known as the Cult of Slaanesh in their fluff, I used the new plastic sorceress models that was released for Storm of Magic.

Also I gave each one of them at familiar on it's base. I may not give them a familiar every time, but atleast this way they are always there if needed. For the Tzeentch one I used the familiar provided but for the Slaanesh sorcerers I used the mini demonette familiar I picked up a few years ago.

Now onto some pics! (Click the pics to see bigger versions.)

First a couple of group shots.

Now for individual shots. First up is the Sorceress of Slaanesh. I decided to go with a Drow theme for painting Dark Elves to make it stand out from their Elven cousins.

For my Sorcerer of Tzeentch I painted it in pretty dark and drab colors so it would also make a good double as one with the mark Nurgle. If I had it all to do over again I would have painted the robes green though rather than brown.

Thanks for looking. Comments and feedback is appreciated.

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